
Word for mac making repeating labels
Word for mac making repeating labels

word for mac making repeating labels

(Some of these colour schemes have large font versions) Scroll down the list to see each one previewed above and, when you find one that is suitable, press Enterto select it.Click on the arrow in the ‘ Colour scheme’ box to display the colour scheme options available.Click on the Appearance tab to see the options available in this section.Open the Display section either by double left clicking on the icon, or by highlighting the icon and pressing Enter.Select Settings, and then Control Panel.Click on Start (bottom left corner of screen).You can choose your own colour and font preferences, though there are more options available for changing the settings in Windows.

#Word for mac making repeating labels windows#

  • To override the fonts used by the designer of the web page, select Use my default fonts overriding document specified fontsĬhanging the Colour Scheme for Windows or Mac-OS.
  • The Fixed Width Font box should already read ‘Courier New’.
  • From the drop-down box next to the Variable Width Font field, select Ariel.
  • From Size select the size of font that suits you (for example, 18).
  • Next to For the encoding should read ‘Western’, to tell the computer which types of letters and symbols to use.
  • To override the colours used by the designer of the web page, select ‘Always use my colours, overriding document’.
  • Choose the colours that you want for text, background, visited and unvisited links.
  • word for mac making repeating labels

  • Click on Edit from the browser menu options (top right of screen).
  • Deselect the button marked Show style sheets.
  • From the options menu which appears, select Preferences.
  • Click on Edit from the browser menu options (top right of window).
  • Note For Internet Explorer 4, the options can be accessed by selecting ‘View’ from the browser menu options
  • Tick any of the options that you want to over-ride and click on OK to save the changes.
  • Click on the Accessibility button at the bottom of the pop-up screen.
  • To over-ride the design settings of a web page
  • Select Text size, and choose the option that is best for you.
  • Click on View from the browser menu options (top right of window).
  • Choose the font options that you find best, then click on OK to save the changes.
  • Click on the Fonts button at the bottom of the pop-up screen.
  • Choose the colour options that you find best, then click on OK to save the changes.
  • Click on the Colours button at the bottom of the pop-up screen.
  • Click on Tools from the browser menu options (top right of window).
  • Below are the steps for making these feature changes in Internet Explorer and Netscape. How you do this depends on what browser you use.
  • the colour used to indicate hyperlinks, active web links and visited web links.
  • Using options available in your browser, you can change This is particularly useful if you have low vision, need larger fonts, or need high-contrast or different colours from the ones set. You can change features on your browser and control the way in which web pages appear. (Note: Some Mac monitors will NOT allow a setting above 640 x 480) Changing colours, fonts and text size in your browser
  • Under the Resolution option, click the 800×600 setting, or the closest one to that.
  • Exit all applications and choose Control Panels/Monitors from the Apple menu.
  • Click on OK to see your display change and Windows will ask: Do you want to keep this setting?.
  • If Windows does not reappear correctly, wait 15 seconds, and your original settings will be restored This could take a few seconds, during which your screen might flicker.
  • A pop-up window titled Display Properties will appear with the text: Windows will now adjust your display settings.
  • Move the slider up to 800 x 600 pixels, click on OK
  • You will see a slider titled Desktop area.
  • From the window that appears click on the Settingstab.
  • Right click anywhere on the desktop as long as it is not on an icon.
  • After the screen resizes, click the OK button again to confirm the new screen size.
  • [Note that you will need to scroll more on web pages when using this lower resolution) If this resolution is not available on the computer you are using, choose 800 by 600.
  • Drag the Display or screen area slider to the right until it reads 1024 by 760 or larger.
  • word for mac making repeating labels

  • From the Settings menu, click on ‘Control Panel’.
  • Click the Start button (bottom left corner of screen).
  • By simply increasing the number of pixels your monitor is capable of displaying, you can view more on your screen regardless of its actual dimensions! Have you noticed how everything looks really big on your screen, or that many of the web pages you view require you to scroll left to right in addition to down? That is because your screen area is set too low, allowing only a certain amount of information to be displayed. The screen area setting is an important factor in how much information your monitor can display. Accessibility Setting the screen resolution

    Word for mac making repeating labels